Kamis, 12 April 2012

Birthday Cake for My Baby

It's so amazing that my lil' baby is getting bigger... 
I was remember 3 years ago, when I'm giving a birth of her on april 6 2009. It had passed 40 weeks of the pregnant, but there's no signal to heartburned. My obgyn had instructed me to come to the hospital on April 06, 2009 to had an induction, since the gestational age had sufficient time and we can not wait, otherwise the baby will facing a problem.

Alhamdulillah....It had not necessary to get induction...the baby just coming naturally with a normal process.

Baby....Now you are becoming a little girl. 
All wishes from us just for your goodness.
May ALLAH SWT hear our pray and blessing you with all the gracefull

Doa Ayah dan Bunda

Ya ALLAH.....jadikanlah anakku anak yang sholehah, penyejuk hati dan kebanggaan kami.
Jauhkan Ia dari marabahaya dan kejahatan duniawi.
Peliharalah iman dan taqwanya, sehingga ia menjadi manusia pilihanmu.

Berilah kesehatan & rezeki yang berkah lagi lancar
Segala puja & puji bagiMu ya ALLAH, atas segala rahmat & barokah yang kami terima 2 anak sholehah.

I made double chocolate orange cake for her special day. The cake itself made from steam brownies my mainstay recipe Ny. Liem. The Topping and filling covered by ganache, and to give a fresh taste I put a marmalade orange.

Just made in a small size, since my family almost bored with namely "cake".
And right course, the cake had just left over in the refrigerator..and me?? almost not try almost slightly ha...ha...ha....

The steam brownies recipe, you can search by google engine...I would'nt write here again.
But for ganache....hmmm, so-so I'll write down over here.



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