Kamis, 04 November 2010

Song to Heal The World

Lagu ini cocok banget untuk kondisi Dunia pada umumnya & Indonesia khususnya....

song by: Michael Jackson

There’s a place, in your heart, and I know that it is love
And this place, could be much brighter than tomorrow
And if you, really try, you’ll find there’s no need to cry
In this place, you’ll feel there’s no hurt or sorrow
There are, ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space…
Make a better place…
Heal the world, make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are, people dying, if you care enough for the living
Make a better place, for you and for me
If you want, to know why, there’s a love that cannot lie
Love is strong, it only cares for joyful giving
If we try, we shall see, in this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread, we stop existing and start living
Then it, feels that always, love’s enough for us growing
Make a better world,
And make a better world…
And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth crucify it’s soul
Though it’s plain to see, this world is heavenly,
be god’s glow
We could fly, so high, let our spirits never die
In my heart, I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world, with no fear, together we’ll cry happy tears
See the na - tions turn their swords into plowshares
We could, really get there, if you cared enough for the living
Make a little space, to make a better place…
[Chorus] ^ (x2)
There are, people dying, if you care enough for the living
Make a better place, for you and for me

Selasa, 02 November 2010

B'day Cake Linda

Ini repeat order dari Linda, and temanya teuteup dengan fresh fruit. Base cake aku pake sacher torte, cake yang lembut nan legit...untuk filling & hiasan aku coba resep italian buttercream, hasil blogwalking di blognya Vin's bakery (izin contek resepnya ya mba). Hasilnya aku sangat-sangat puas, creamy, ringan, lembut, sama sekali ngga eneg...rasanya kaya whip cream, beneran dech. Pokoknya italian buttercream ini bakalan jadi favorit aku dech ;)
Tadinya untuk pinggiran mo aku kasih pagar coklat daun, tapi ngga sempet..jadilah aku lelehin coklat ajah ;)
Buah yang aku pake, strawberry segar, green kiwi & coklat kruwel untuk ditengahnya....not bad lah untuk beginners mah hehehe...
Haduh...ternyata tulisan aku jelek yach :( harus kursus menulis halus niy hahahaha
Jangan kapok order lagi ya Lin???

B'day Cake for T'ncie

Katanya terinspirasi dari b'day cakenya cia (huhu...terharu, padahal akunya aja kurang puas dengan hasilnya..ngga sebagus para master2 cake).
T'ncie si pengorder adalah temen kantor aku, doi mau kasih surprise cake untuk b'day mertua tercinta (and it's so nice ;) ).
Ngerjain cake ini bener-bener kaya dikejar setan, masalahnya aku yang kurang planning. Ceritanya aku dah siapin cake dengan resep baru "chocolate cotton cake", setelah jadi malemnya mo aku hias karena besok pagi harus dikirim, begitu cake mo diassembling...lah koq tipis banget 'rek?*tuing-tuing* tiba2 headache, terpaksalah aku baking malem2 jam 10.30 baru mulai kocok telur...huft, ampyun dech :(
Setelah mateng aku tinggal tidur, dah ngga kuat buka mata...ngantuk beraatttttt.zzzzzzzzzzzz....
Besok pagi sebelum berangkat ke pasar aku sempetin nge-assembling sedikit, nti pulang pasar baru finishing...
Jam 11 siang harus dah didelivery, lah..ini cakenya masih gundul...TIDAAAAKKK..sutris tiba2, jam setengah duabelas slese & langsung ngebut ke tempat tujuan. Alhamdulillah masih keburu...
Alhamdulillah nya lagi, testimoni nya menyenangkan hati...& katanya mo repeat order hehehe....thank you my dear for the order.

B'day cake for Cia

B'day cake dengan edible image pertama buat aku ;) awalnya sangat-sangat ngga PD, soalnya belum pernah bergumul dengan si EI ini...cuma yang aku inget, sebelum diaplikasiin harus dioles white chocolate supaya ngga ngegelembung, tapi ternyata ada bagian yang kurang tebal ngolesin white chocolate. jadinya keriting gitu dech hiks...keliatan ga ya?? Bismillah sambil deg2an nempel EI (hahaha...lebay.com).. 
Orderan ini dateng dari temen mantan temen kantor, buat ultah anaknya "Cia"
"Happy B'day Ya cia sayank, semoga jadi anak yang sholehah..sayang sama Ibu & Ayah"

Birthday Cake

Ngga tau ini cake buat siapa, asli....lupa, hehehehe... maklum kelamaan ngga diupload ;)
Base cake masih yang terfavorit chocolate, aku pake resep brokusnya Ny. liem, lembut nan nikmeh ...untuk hiasan pake ganache pink, kya es krim rasa strawberry...lembut-lembut gimanaaa gituh.
ndekornya juga super sederhana, ngga pake konsep2an..seinget dikepala ajah, makanya rada ngga nyambung antara warna ganache dengan toppingnya hehehe...gpp lah yang penting semua sukaaa ;)

B'day Cake Linda

My Bestfriend when I was in the highschool named Linda, contacted me via fb. She would like to have an order a b'day cake for her mum. She gave a cake picture only for reference, base cake she'd rather a chocolate & topping fresh fruit. I put "kiwi", "strawberry", and "red grape", she was recommended it. And here it is the cake
Hmm...actually i was a little bit unsatisfy, my hubby who bought the fruit didn't knew that kiwi has two kind of colour; golden kiwi & green kiwi, as a name it called, golden kiwi's colour is yellowish. And regretly he bought the golden one, that's why I couldn't get bright colour, even in the picture it has clamp...hmpfhhh.
The important thing, my friend didn't have same feeling like me...she was satisfy at all.
Thank you my dear..

Birthday Cake for Mum

Judulnya mau posting borongan ;) , dah lama ngga ngoprek blog rasanya muaaleees banget. Dulu-dulu, begitu karya tercipta langsung dech...jeprat...jepret, trus upload, kalo sekarang..boro-boro upload..moto aja ngga minat hehe.

Jadi sekarang tak upload foto 6bulan lalu, ini birthday cake untuk my mum. Ngga ada ide mo bikin yang kaya gimanaaaa gitu. Pokok'e aku prepare dulu cakenya, masalah ngehias nti nunggu wangsit dari "si mbah", so..beginilah hasilnya ;)
Base cakenya coklat, fillingnya ganache coklat, topping pun dari ganache sisanya filling... Modelnya kruwel semau gue hehehe, langsung ekspor ke rumah mama & ludes tak bersisa.